The detailed photo journalism of this modest American wedding so generously provided by Alicia Ann Photographers here (and, astonishingly, available to the public) holds a charm and joy you won't want to miss.
I'm astounded at the size of the event. That kind of organization takes a lot of dedicated service behind the scenes. It's easy to tell what a special, memorable day it was, and the bride looks relaxed throughout.
My absolute favourite detail--the bride's shoes. Ladies, if you've ever wondered how to do cute AND comfortable feet, take note of Becky's footwear choice! |
Bree of Cover Up for Christ featured the delightful story of a modest Ukrainian wedding and the miracles that accompanied it. Ukraine holds special interest for me because my older brother was married there. Many of these photos remind me of the images my sister captured for me so I could enjoy the day post-event from the other side of the world.
The Ukrainian traditions bring a visual splendour we don't tend to see in the west, but western influence is nevertheless present, demonstrated by the white tiered cake with royal icing. My mother toted the ingredients for my brother's wedding cake in her suitcase all the way from New Zealand, and baked it in an oven without a thermostat (hot job on an already hot day!). When the guests at the wedding feast looked upon my mother's three-tiered creation, they supposed it to be a stack of white boxes.
My family encountered intriguing and delightful Ukrainian customs that were new to them, and we have even tried some of them at weddings here. Experiencing other cultures adds a wonderful richness to our lives.
I googled 'modest wedding blog' and this tumblr site came up. It hasn't been updated for 2 years, but there's a lovely sequence of pictures provided by modest brides Sheena, below, and and Jackie, bottom. Photos courtesy of Amber Weimer.

Fiat lux,
Thanks for sharing this post, really got some great ideas that i can implement on my wedding.
thanks for sharing this post, i also want this kind of set up at my wedding.
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